About Us

Roni, Creative Crocheter

Hi! My name is Roni. I started crocheting when I was about 10 years old. My mother was the one who taught me how to crochet. She bought a How To Crochet book and taught herself. As a little girl, I used to watch her make beautiful things and wanted to learn the craft also. Mom taught me the basics of crochet and how to follow patterns and diagrams. I learned quickly and took off on my own, no longer needing any help from her. As I got older, Mom was impressed with my work and told me once, ā€œGirl, you crochet better than I do!ā€ I learned just last year that both of my motherā€™s grandmothers also crocheted. I am so proud of the work I do, knowing that my mother was proud of her pupil. Regretfully, mom passed away May 2017. I think of her nowadays while I crochet, knowing she would not want me to give up the craft that she passed down and gifted to me. I continue to crochet in her honor. After I began accumulating a lot of crochet projects, it was suggested by family and friends that I sell my work at craft fairs and later online. They also suggested making crochet donations. I came up with a catchy name for my business and started posting on Facebook and Instagram. So far, I have done pretty well. I look forward to reaching more potential customers and gaining more experience at my craft. I hope that you like the crochet products you see on my page. Please make a purchase if you so desire. Thank you!!Ā 


Meet Roni


Tabitha, Business Manager

Welcome to Roni's Crochet Boutique! My name is Tabitha, one of Roni's younger sisters. Throughout the years, I have watched as Roni continuously created beautiful crochet or knit pieces for fun. However, so did the numbers of items and the space needed to store them! That's when I suggested we start doing vendor events. We sold out of almost all of the scarves at the first event. Since then, we have attended small and mid-sized events at least once or twice a year. Now, there are over 200 crochet items we have available for you! Ā I have taken the time to best describe each item with a photo(s). Please grab all of the items you think would be great for you or someone you know! Thank you for stopping by our page and showing support. I most certainly hope you come again!Ā